We're looking forward to fall and to the cooler weather.
I've been working to fill in for our family business as Ashley is out on maternity leave and we next week I start training out new hire, Meghan. After all the training and making sure she's comfortable in all her jobs I think I'll take a break!
A much needed one! Then I might take Libby to the Zoo and to play outside and to do all the things I want to do with her now and am not able to. So, at that point I may have more pictures to post. I also have a bunch of my new little niece, Annie. As mentioned before, I have been working every day and so blogging has fallen far behind. But I'll get back into it soon.
The first trimester with this baby has been MUCH harder than with Libby! I'm hoping by next week I'll be feeling like a whole new person! We'll see if that happens. I'm 12 weeks now, os yay for that!
Lots of updates on Libby and what she's learning, etc. to come some other time.
Thanks for reading!