Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Valentine's Day

I hate to lose work I've already done!! And I lost the original Valentine's post I did. So this one will probably not be as detailed. Oh well, so goes life.

My Mom always made Valentine's Day so sweet for us by decorating the house and making special place settings for us at the table. She always made heart-shaped pancakes for us, with little treats by our plates.

So I attempted to make Valentine's day special for the kids this year, since Libby is able to truly appreciate it now. It's fun doing little things to surprise Libby, especially holiday-related. She loves the holidays so much that 1 day really isn't enough to cover them. She's still waking up and telling me "Happy Valentine's Day, Mom." :)

So while Libby was watching her show, I ran around setting up a surprise in the dining room. Libby doesn't make it easy for me to get up early and get things done becuase she's up as soon as she hears me stirring. I don't know what it is. As soon as I turn on the shower in the morning, she pops her head in the door with scraggly hair and says, "Good Morning, Mommy." Yet the pup can be wailing Ty crying in the next room and she sleeps right through it.

Anyways, I didn't have to get much for decorations as I've accumulated my red, white, pink and heart-shaped stuff over the years of being married.

So hear is the dining room, all decked out for V-day:

Libby's spot.

Ty's seat:

My little man, excited about Valentine's Day. Crazy bed head.
 I love this little guy!

Heart-shaped blueberry pancakes made from frozen blueberries we picked this summer.

Libby, so surprised to see the dining room transformed.

"Is that present for me, Mom?"
On a side note, Libby recognizes her name whenever she sees it. I thinks it's because of the L, which she recognizes and can actually write!

Enjoying some powdered-sugar covered pancakes. I actually forgot I had some Rasberry syrup that would have been delicious on them. They turned out great!

Ty enjoying his first taste of pancakes. He's been eating so much lately, I thought I'd let him enjoy this sweet treat! He eats mostly chopped up food now. He still has no teeth so I have to mince everything up into tiny pieces. he enjoys it all, never-the-less.


Matt was so sweet to think of getting stuff for the kids. He left it on the counter and Libby found it before I even left the bedroom. She was so excited to read the card and enjoy the chocolate treats Daddy had left her. Ty loved his little blue-eyed Beanie-Baby pup that Matt left for him.
I got some wonderful, beautiful, bountiful flowers from him later in the day. He was great to think of these things, especially since we'd already celebrated Valentine's day the Friday before thanks to Nicole for babysitting! We went to FLEMMINGS! And then got to go see a late movie. What a treat! I had such a good time. I cna't wait till we're set up with consistent date nights!

Libby helped me make a card for Daddy. We decided a kissy-face appropriate, which we then attached to a homemade heart-card.

Here is her Valentine's kissy face:
 Love this one!

Ty is 10 months old today. I'm so sad he's growing up so fast! I hate to see him move out of the infant stage, which I consider to be till he's a year. At least he's staying my little baby for now. I'll try to do a post with his updates today.


Allyson said...

Wow, great job! Gavin and Ty need a picture with their matching firetruck pi's!!

bandbh said...

AW, i love the decorations! You did great, Shannon! Did you guys our Valentines? They were probably late because we were waiting for your address :( Sorry! Love you guys and miss you soooooo much!