Thankfully, Libby was able to do the egg hunt without us. But I was so excited to go this year.
Libby didn't have any trouble figuring out what to do. It was just keeping her from opening them and eating on the spot that was a trick.
It didn't take Ty much time to figure out the game. He's been having fun lately taking things out and putting them back, so this was just a fun new toy to "clean up".
"These things were all over the grass."
"And as soon as I got them all put up, more would appear. I think the Easter bunny's playing tricks on me."
A basketful.
Turned out to be a beautiful day. And a lot of people showed up for the Egg Hunt!
The only 2 pics I could get with both of them. Not great, but enough for memories I guess.
Ty's normal face when Sissy's holding him.
I don't get many pics with Matt in them anymore. Probably because that's about how often we actually get to see him, being in the MBA program and working full time.
So I had to snap at least a few.
Wish I'd gotten one with both the kids and him. Oh well.
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