Monday, February 18, 2013


I think instead of going back and starting at Christmas for catch up, I'll start at the end and work my way back.
We went to Chattanooga a couple weekends ago to see Andy and Meghan and find out that they are having a boy!! We went to the park while there and I was reminded how much I like the city of Chatanooga, especially the downtown. They've done such a great job with it and I wish we had areas like this here.
On the way to the carousel, which Libby was so excited about, we walked past cardboard hill, and I couldn't deny my inner child a trip down with Libby.
 Weee! What a fun use of industrial waste... bury it, cover it with grass, and make it into a park. :)

Our cardboard broke up so we had to split up.
Waling in between parks. Libby following Daddy.

Love this handsome boy! Watch out, ladies.

 Sitting on the fountain statues.
And of course, Ty has to do everything that Libby does.
My pretty girl.

Libby was so excited to ride the carousel. I got enough tickets for Libby, Ty and I then found out I didn't need one as I rode next to Ty so Libby got to go on a second round with Daddy.

Haha, Matt had to ride this little fish that was next to the donkey Libby wanted to ride. had to get a pic of this!1 :D

On the way back as we were passing the Hill again, we saw Nicole, Sam, and a bunch of friends from Cornerstone that we didn't even know were there. What a small world!
So Libby and Ty got a few more rides down.


Saturday, February 16, 2013

Wedding dress!

One rainy day we got stuck at home the other day, I decided to pull out my wedding dress for Libby to try on. Probably should have waited till later than the morning to tell her we would do it as she wouldn't let me rest for a minute till I got it out for her.
We had some fun trying it on and I'm happy to say, I still fit in it after 7 years and 2 kids.
I think I need to rig it up so it will stay up on her next time.
So cute!

Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day!

A wonderful surprise from Matt on Valentine's morning... Krispy Kreme donuts and flowers! He went and got them BEFORE WORK (at work by 6:30 AM)! Thanks for that sacrifice for such deliciousness!

Libby peeking in the bag to see what's inside.

So I skipped the traditional blueberry pancakes shaped like hearts this morning and opted for some bacon and fruit with our donuts instead.

Yum! Ty lovin' it.
Libby loved hers, too!
Ty "winking" at me. :) Love it!
Libby set this picture up herself. I think she was supposed to be getting ready for a nap and I asked her what she was doing and she said she was taking a picture with her animals, had them all set up like this. Had to get that shot! Turned out too cute! Love this girly girl!

My Valentine's flowers from Matt. So bright and cheery!