Saturday, February 16, 2013

Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day!

A wonderful surprise from Matt on Valentine's morning... Krispy Kreme donuts and flowers! He went and got them BEFORE WORK (at work by 6:30 AM)! Thanks for that sacrifice for such deliciousness!

Libby peeking in the bag to see what's inside.

So I skipped the traditional blueberry pancakes shaped like hearts this morning and opted for some bacon and fruit with our donuts instead.

Yum! Ty lovin' it.
Libby loved hers, too!
Ty "winking" at me. :) Love it!
Libby set this picture up herself. I think she was supposed to be getting ready for a nap and I asked her what she was doing and she said she was taking a picture with her animals, had them all set up like this. Had to get that shot! Turned out too cute! Love this girly girl!

My Valentine's flowers from Matt. So bright and cheery!

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